Cloud ComputingPress Releases Press Release: August 11th 2022 Impresario Partners International expands onto three continents and closes a roster of new client wins.…Csaba CsenyiAugust 13, 2022
Mobility AI – The Future of Mobility One fine day, traffic jams will be gone. So will accidents and parking problems. Sounds…adminMay 10, 2022
Cloud ComputingData Centers Data Centres and Cloud Efficiency The data centre market is predicated on the basis of being able to store your…adminMay 4, 2022
IoT How Predictive IoT Works? I was talking to the leadership of an IoT company in Vancouver, which is producing…adminMay 1, 2022
IoT IoT Editorial for CarlData IoT is a bit like “I love you” it means a lot of different things…adminApril 30, 2022
IoT IoT on a Plate – Restaurants as a Perfect Ecosystem When the internet was originally set up, it was developed as a military grade transfer…adminApril 30, 2022
Smart buildings What is in a Smart Name? Language is a complicated thing. Our ability to communicate benefits us in innumerable ways but…adminApril 27, 2022
Trends Canada is in a Perfect Storm I'm not a Canadian trying to sell Canada, I happen to be a global citizen,…adminApril 22, 2022
Smart City Smart City Canada Initiative is Not Innovative Enough I was disappointed by the outcome of the Smart City Canada challenge. The $50 Million…adminApril 12, 2022
Smart buildings What is the implication for commercial real estate in Smart Cities? The commercial real estate industry is ripe for innovation. Firms are beginning to explore investing…adminMarch 24, 2022