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Smart Cities and Mobility Solutions

By August 4, 2022August 13th, 2022360 Squared Partners1 min read

How to optimize transportation and provide mobility / community-support services using static and spatial/geospatial data? The location intelligence.

The issue


  • Where should I open my new shopping outlet? How could I make an informed site selection decision?
  • Which locations are performing above and below the optimum in light of their perceived potential?
  • What should be the upgrade priority of our chain of shopping outlets?
  • How could I make a smart commercial real-estate development decision? Do people really commute the way I anticipate? How should I find and reach out to the right customers in the catchment area?

You may have dozens of similar questions that are relevant to the physical world/environment

Our solution

With our strategic partner under the “360 Squared – The Power of Two” concept, we combine geolocation-based analytics and the derived location intelligence with static (potential) customer data that we interpret with a commercial mindset and assist you in making the right decisions.

Catchment Area Analysis - Inteligent Location Selection - Impresario Partners

The benefits

We save you significant costs or offer you incremental new revenue streams – depending on the objective of the assignment.

The next step

Send us an e-mail with a very short description of your needs by clicking on the envelope icon in the top-right corner and we’ll get back to you ASAP.